A "Benchmark" is a summary of the energy used by an entire building in the previous year. This information helps owners and building operators understand how the building’s energy performance compares to similar buildings under similar conditions.
A Benchmark can be obtained by using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager which will provide the building a performance rating and Greenhouse Gas Emissions data as required by AB 1103 for the disclosure of energy usage when a sale, lease or refinance occurs for a whole building. In addition, the building performance rating satifies San Francisco's benchmarking ordinance California Public Resources Code 25402.10.
Benchmarking your building is also the first in determing how your building's energy performance compares to simlar buildings in your area.
If a benchmark yields a poor ENERGY STAR rating compared to your peers, it is recommended that a building owner perform the next step, an Energy Audit, to determine what areas of the building should be upgraded in order improve energy efficiency, and over, a higher ENERGY STAR rating.
It's the Law:
AB 1103: Building Benchmark Requirements for Non-Residential Buildings
Beginning January 1, 2014 California law will require disclosure of an energy benchmark rating during a whole building financial transactions which includes: a sale, lease and a refinance.
Section 1682. Schedule of Implementation: A building owner shall comply with this article according to the following schedule:
(a) On and after January 1, 2014, for a building with a total gross floor area measuring more than 10,000 square feet
(b) On and after July 1, 2014, for a building with a total gross floor area measuring at least 5,000 square feet and up to 10,000 square feet.
Resources: AB 1103: California Energy Commission, Adopted Regulations, Non-Residenital Building, Energy Use Disclosure Program